How to remove appearing at the end of all site’s URLs?

remove gsc tab appearing at the end of all site URLs_2

 Are you seeing appearing at the end of your website's URLs? Are you wondering what caused this? You have come to the right place. Let's see how to remove appearing at the end of all site’s URLs.

So the culprit is a setting from Google Custom Search Engine.Now you might have realized that you have applied Google Custom Search Engine sometime ago. That's right? 

Adding or inserting a Google Custom Search Enging (CSE) code snippet into any web pages, all the URLs is appended with suffix at the end.

In other words, a URL, e.g., is automatically rewritten and redirected to

If you’re searching through Google Custom Search Engine search box, the tag is added to the end of URL too. 

This issue can be resolved by disabling the Results Browsing History from  Google Custom Search Engine settings. So, here is the solution how to resolve or remove the appearing at the end f the URLs.

SOLUTION: How to remove appearing at the end of all site’s URLs?

  • Visit dashboard. 

  • From the left, click the dropdown and select the right CSE you have setup.

  • Click on Search Features from the left sidebar, then Advanced tab on the top

  • Then, click on the Websearch Settings.

  • Disable the Results Browsing History.

  • Save

That is all.
The "" appearing at the end of all site’s URLs is now removed.


remove gsc tab appearing at the end of all site URLs

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    1. Welcome. Thank for the kind gesture :)

  6. The article you published is very good to read and understand. Hope for more content.

  7. Yes I figured it had something to do with the custonized Google search engine but was not sure where to go so Thanks!

    1. Sorry for the late response . But glad if the post was helpful to you. Cheers :D

  8. Replies
    1. Sorry for the late response . But glad if the post was helpful to you. Cheers :D
